The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recognized the results of Cuba’s work to achieve quality, inclusive education in the 2020 Global Monitoring Report on Education for All -known as the GEM report.
This global monitoring mechanism is used to evaluate progress on Sustainable Development Goal (SDA) No. 4: Ensure inclusive, equitable, quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
The 2020 report emphasizes that Cuba has achieved 100% participation in early childhood education, in accordance with target 4.2 of this goal: “By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood care and development and preschool education, so that they are ready for primary school.”
Yahima Esquivel, Cuba’s permanent representative to UNESCO, noted on her Twitter account that the report “recognizes the effectiveness of the Cuban program “Educate your Child” in ensuring inclusive, quality education from early childhood and in rural contexts,” and praises “Cuba’s Sex Education Program, highlighting its preventive approach, gender and sexual rights, throughout the basic curriculum, optional courses and postgraduate studies.”
The diplomat likewise commented on the international organization’s recognition of Cuba exemplary work on inclusion of students with special needs in the conventional education system.
Once again, UNESCO recognizes the leadership of Cuba in this sector at the world level, a nation that in Article 73 of its Constitution states, “Education is a right of all persons and a responsibility of the state, which guarantees free, accessible, quality education services for comprehensive development, from early childhood to postgraduate university education.”
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