ProximityCuba and Espiral Urgent Tornado Relief Fund!
As you may know, last Sunday, January 27th several neighborhoods and municipalities in Havana suffered the impact of a devastating category F4 tornado. As a consequence of this destructive meteorological event, 4 people lost their lives, 195 were injured, 1,238 houses were affected including 347 that suffered total collapse*. Communities throughout the area continue to suffer from power outages, transportation delays, and damage to the infrastructure..
We at ProximityCuba extend our deepest condolences to the many Cubans affected by the loss of life and property, and stand in support of the many efforts, in Cuba and abroad, to assist them. In response to the great need in affected communities, several institutes, artists, governmental enterprises, private business, NGO’s, community projects and individuals have sprung into action, collecting donations and providing assistance to the people affected by the tornado. At the same time, many of you – our friends, colleagues, and extended family – have expressed a desire to contribute to those in need.
Unfortunately, the U. S. embargo on Cuba prohibits the direct transfer of money to official relief efforts. In an effort to find an effective, legal way to contribute, ProximityCuba is working with members of the community project Espiral and the Factory of Cuban Arts (FAC), to provide direct support, mainly in the form of drinking water, packaged food, clothing, toiletries, and other necessities. At this moment, these resources are more vital than money
Last Saturday, February 2nd, the community project Espiral delivered material aid to the neighborhood of Lawton (San Luis between Quiroga and Remedios Lawton, Municipality of 10 de Octubre), one of the areas impacted by the tornado and where the father of one of the members of Espiral has lost his house. Espiral is working with the local authorities and the community leaders to ensure the aid is delivered to the most affected people in the area. Currently Espiral is working to raise at least $600 USD to buy material aid. While each member of Espiral has committed to making individual donation from their households, they still need our assistance. We at ProximityCuba would like to support Espiral in its relief effort. To this end, we are collecting monetary donations for the purchase the necessary materials and resources. If we are fortunate to raise enough funds to fully cover Espiral’s needs, any surplus will be deposited to the account of the Council of Churches of Cuba, an ecumenical non-governmental association of churches in Cuba, which is coordinating with the Action by Churches Together (ACT) a counterpart group based in Belgium.
We appreciate the offers of help we have received, and we know you want to be sure your donations are put to good use. In the coming days, we will be providing our donors with an account of where the funds have been spent and how these purchases have helped families and communities in need.
With our deepest thanks,
The ProximityCuba team and the Community Project Espiral
*Figures taken from www.cubadebate.cu
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